Tuesday 13 October 2015

RS adds electrical design to free downloadable tools

The tool can be used to create schematic designs, wiring line diagrams and 2D panel and cabinet layouts. Project data is stored in an SQLite database and updated in real time.
A bill-of-materials feature can be used to order parts via the RS website.
Created with the supported of Schneider Electric, the electrical CAD package is intended for control panel, machinery and electrical system design.
The tool called DesignSpark Electrical includes a library of more than 250,000 components and parts, including 80,000 from Schneider Electric and 10,000 from RS, which can easily be added to customer designs.
An attraction of the tool to the general user is that it can open existing projects or to create a new project from a list of predefined templates, each containing a standard configuration along with project data and documents.
RS thinks he tool will also be used for more advanced design working with a blank configuration with no data or documents, requiring the user to set the configuration before starting work on the project.
Glenn Jarrett, Global Head of Product Marketing at RS Components believes that cost and complexity of commercial electrical CAD tools can be barriers to adoption for many companies.
“This design tool removes these cost barriers in a single stroke and passes on the key benefits of electrical CAD to all engineers," said Jarrett.
DesignSpark Electrical is available for free download

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