Thursday 27 February 2014

The latest and greenest: 6 tech items for the eco-minded

Posted by : Bharath Kommukuri (28-02-2014)

As you probably read in your iPad edition of The New York Times, the gadget and gizmo world is inundated with the latest technology aimed to help you keep plugged in while lowering your environmental footprint.
With so many green tech devices currently out there (that once-lonely solar/crank flashlight is now in good company) the big question is: where do I begin? Since MNN has a (mostly) healthy obsession with green technology and design, we’d like to lend a helping hand and recommend a few fresh tech items for the eco-minded. From energy-efficient bladeless fans to ivy-inspired solar panels to a quintessential solar charger, each of these eco-innovations is unique, inspired and totally game changing. Now without further ado, game on.

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