Friday 28 February 2014

Make Your Own Air Conditioner At Home Using Household Items

Posted By: Bharath kommukuri (01-03-2014)

Necessity can make people create the most amazing things. For example, some people will do almost anything to keep cool in the summer heat. Those of you living in the warmer regions of the world can relate to how frustrating it can be to spend time in a place without proper air conditioning. Well one creative Flickr user created a homemade air conditioner to cool his apartment. Here’s how he did it.

The DIY air conditioner was made using easily available household items that cost close to nothing. The air conditioner consists of an ordinary oscillating table-top fan, fish tank pumps, copper tubing and flexible plastic tubing.

The photos show that the copper tubing has been formed into spirals and attached at the front and back of the fan. The fish tank pumps feed water to the copper tubing to ensure that the fan constantly blows cold air while the flexible plastic tubing connects the copper tubing to the cold water reservoir and allows the fan to swing in its regular fashion. The user has to add ice to the cold water reservoir every 6 hours to ensure that the water inside the reservoir stays cool.

The exact cost is unknown but this is a pretty cheap solution. The only thing you have to be careful about when trying this at home is to make sure the reservoir is placed in a safe place, because electricity and water don’t make the greatest combination

10 Famous Logos That Have A Hidden Meaning

Posted by : Bharath kommukuri (01-03-2014).

Nowadays there are so many companies with instantly recognizable logos, but few people actually know the meaning behind these corporate symbols. Here are 10 modern day examples of company logos and the meanings behind them:

1. Amazon

The arrow which looks like a smiling face in Amazon’s logo has another meaning behind it. It is a representation of the wide range of items available for retail by Amazon, from A to Z.

2. Apple

The Apple logo is derived from the story of Adam and Eve in the Bible. The bitten apple represents the fruit from the “Tree of Knowledge
3. IBM

IBM’s logo has a hidden message for the whole world hidden in the Big Blue logo that represents it’s company. The white lines passing through give the appearance of the equal sign in the lower right corner, representing equality.

4. Mobil

Mobil’s logo itself does not represent anything, but the colors do. The red represents strength while the blue in the logo represents faithfulness and security.
5. FedEx

The FedEx logo looks simple and it’s hard to see what could be hidden within it. But looking closely at the space between the ‘E’ and ‘X’ in the orange Ex shows an arrow pointing forward. This arrow represents moving forward toward to the future.
6. Audi

Many have wondered what the four circles in this automaker’s logo mean. Well the four circles represent the 4 companies that were a part of the Auto-Union Consortium in 1932, namely, DKW, Horch, Wanderer and Audi.
7. BMW

BMW’s logo is a tribute to the company’s history in aviation. The logo shows a propeller in motion with the blue part representing the sky. This is due to the company’s role of building aircraft engines for the German military during World War II.
8. Mercedes-Benz

Mercedes’ tri-star represents the companies dominance over land, sea and air.
9. Toyota

There are three ellipses visible in the company’s logo. Each ellipse represents the heart of the customer, the heart of the product and the heart of technological progress.

10. Volkswagen

The Volkswagen logo simply shows the letter of the company’s initials. The word “Volks” is German for people, while “Wagen” is German for car.

Thursday 27 February 2014

Cool Powerpoint Backgrounds

Psted by : Bharath kommukuri (28-02-2014)

On 14 August 1984 the first version of Power Point was developed. It was called, Presenter and it was created for Macintosh computer. Due to the problems with trademark it was renamed PowerPoint in 1987. The clipboard that can hold multiple objects at once was introduced by PowerPoint 2000. ,Slides or individual pages are called the PowerPoint presentations. Slides may contain objects, movies, text and graphics. The use of consistent style in presentation is facilitated by a template also called ,,Slide Master. The presentation can be navigated through, printed or displayed live on a computer.
<-300x250 Medium Rectangle - center->
3 types of movements are provided by PowerPoint:

-Custom Animation controls the exit of elements, emphasis and entrance

- transition is animated in a variety of ways. These are the movements between slides.

- in order to create small story board, custom animation can be used by animating pictures to move, exit or enter

A computer desktop background is an image used as a background on a PC display / PC screen. Background is a fine decoration for a PC.

Desktop "Background", is the term used in Windows 7, while in Microsoft Windows is called "Wallpaper" and Mac OS X calls it a "desktop picture" (previously, the term desktop pattern was used to refer to a small pattern that was repeated to fill the screen)

Nowadays, it is possible to download many free desktop background and use it on any personal computer with any operation system (MS Windows, Linux or Apple MacOS).

Whether it's a texture pattern or an abstract  art, getting the correct theme makes more interesting the entire work. There are various cool powerpoint backgrounds on different themes such as: planes, animals, buildings, cars, computers, celebrities , games, holidays, nature, sports, world and many others.

The cool powerpoint backgrounds have played a great role, maybe some might not have noticed this. For instance, some product graphic advertisements uses light subtle background to help create focus point also websites and desktops need nice backdrops too.

Images used as computer backgrounds are usually raster graphics with the same size as the display resolution (1024×768 pixels, or 1280×1024 pixels) in order to fill the whole background.

The classic screen resolutions are proportional in a 4:3 ratio, so an image scaled to fit in a different-sized screen will still be the correct shape, although that scaling may impact quality.

The backgrounds resolutions are connected to common desktop resolutions: 1600x1200, 1280x1024, 1024x768 and 800x600.

Users with widescreen (16:9 or 16:10) monitors have different aspect ratio requirements for backgrounds, although images designed for standard (4:3) monitors can often be cropped or scaled to the correct shape without undue loss of quality.

If any background doesn't fit your screen, you can use OS display properties to adjust it. The last possibility is to edit the background in a bitmap editor (MS Paint, Adobe Photoshop, GIMP etc.).

Desktop backgrounds are not a desktop pattern or at least it should not be. Desktop patterns create backgrounds using repeating patters. Desktop backgrounds are unique, there are no repeating patterns.

The principal problem when enlarging an background image to match the desktop resolution is the quality loss that appears during the resize process and the distorted image that appear when aspect ratio of the background is different than the aspect ratio of the desktop. If the image is used in smaller proportion, by default, will begin to repeat if it is too small.

When tiled most images look horrible and this should be avoided. By using any photo editing, an image can be resistant. You can notice the loss in quality when you stretch a picture and you may decide not to use that picture at all. However, there are applications that can automatically establish if an image is better to be displayed tiled, resized or using its original resolution.

The most common type image are in PNG and JPEG format. All major operation systems should be able to specifying just one colour to use in place of a wallpaper as the background , and some (such as GNOME orKDE) allow to be specified the colour-gradients. Early versions of Mac OS and Microsoft Windows allowed for small repeating patterns to tile the desktop.

If we make an incursion into computer backgrounds, we can say that this begins in Renaissance and to be more specific the first computer desktop background was appears in the mid 70's in an experimental office system, Officetalk, developed in 1975 at Xerox PARC on the Alto.

Previously to that, the white backgrounds to overlapping windows could be difficult to distinguish from window interiors. Officetalk used a pattern that produced a 25% gray, using dots two pixels high to avoid flicker on the Alto's interlaced screen. Xerox Star adopted the same pattern.

Apple used for their Lisa and Macintosh a similar gray background. On the other hand, it was possible to use a less noticeable background pattern since these machines had non-interlaced screens, gave a 50 percent gray from a simple 2x2 repeating pattern . Once the color monitors for personal computers were introduced, this led arbitrary backgrounds non-patterned, single-color backgrounds .. There was a way to obtain a desktop picture on versions of the Mac OS before Mac OS 7. Today, the possibility to change your desktop background is a must in any operation system. 

In personal use backgrounds usually fall into one of the following categories: automobiles, models and celebrities, scenery, abstract art, movies, pets, family, symmetry, and personal photos.Comics and drawings backgrounds are considered cool backgrounds among teenagers

In business use, it is common to use corporate logos or plain backgrounds on business computers, as such guidelines are often specified by the company.

In display systems such as GNOME and Windows, backgrounds may be packaged along with desktop themes.

Some operating systems allow a number of different backgrounds to be used and changed from a set of selected images (either in order or shuffled) to display a different background at different times, these are called dynamic backgrounds.

In video Media, some media players can redirect video playback to the desktop, allowing any video to be used as a background.

Also, some programs such as Xplanet and EarthDesk use Internet connections and graphics calculations to change the background with real data, such as a shadowed view of the earth, the latest cloud or weather map, or various events.

Since desktop backgrounds are constantly changed, it doesn't only help inspire ourselves but also spice up the desktop, giving it a fresher look. That is why your background display should not station on desktop for more than one month. Since the beginning of the computers, to customize your desktop is the frequent area of activities. The choice of a desktop usually reflects appearance and mood. Lots of wallpaper sites are now available and they will suit even the most exigent client.

People use cool powerpoint backgrounds to make their boring screen look more interesting.

Nikon D2Xs

Posted by : Bharath kommukuri

20 improvements in Nikon D2Xs. Tthe viewfinder has been improved. It may still offer the same 100% viewing of the scene and the 0.86% magnification, but the screen is brighter, says Nikon, thanks to the new Brite-View Clear Matte Mark III viewing screen. And the screen is available as both a clear option or gridded, for compositional aid. Better still, Nikon has improved the viewfinder’s functionality in the high-speed crop mode. Both this camera and the previous model use just 6.7 megapixels in high-speed mode to pass the 8fps images through the buffer. This smaller image size meant that, for accurate composition, a separate viewfinder screen had to be used, with lines showing the image edges. Now, the D2Xs shades the extraneous area in the viewfinder, making it much easier to switch between image sizes and continuous shooting speeds. Furthermore, the Colour Matrix Metering has been improved to allow for the smaller image format, instead of metering from the full area. Another obvious addition is the 2.5inch LCD. This isn’t larger than the previous version, but offers a wider viewing angle both horizontally and vertically of 170° – the same as the D200 and new D80.

Nikon D2X an improvement in the camera AF speed in the new model, with improved tracking in continuous AF mode and better subject finding, thanks to the Multi-CAM2000 AF module. Another major improvement is the inclusion of Adobe RGB in all three-colour modes; previously this was limited and sRGB was the predominant colour space. Nikon has also added more custom curves and custom-function options as well as an in-camera crop feature to the D2Xs. Similarly there is now a black-and-white option, which is available as a NEF and JPEG file, so you can also return the colour using the NEF file if the image isn’t working for you. Nikon also claims to have lengthened the battery life, and the D2Xs can now shoot up to 3,800 images on a single charge. An improved battery gauge shows the number of shots taken since the last charge, the percentage of power left and overall battery status. Finally, there have been improvements to the image data, with better EXIF data, additional GPS information (if used with a GPS system), and the system is now Image Authentication-compatible. Incidentally, the D2Xs uses a new NEF format, so RAW files need to be converted via the new Nikon NX software .

Latest Finger Pad

Posted by : Bharath Kommukuri (28-02-2014)

If you find the first computer mouse ever made &8230; pictures, information or features that we take for use. primarily collection of high quality on the first computer mouse ever &8230; pictures, information and reviews for Sclick visitors to use. staff and users of the daily supply latest gadgets funny news.

Forget the modern technology for only two seconds, forget fancy wireless computer mouse with infrared technology, Bluetooth compatibility, and those who do not even need to be held in the palm of your hand and can easily clip to your finger - see the first mouse ever built / created!

The latest and greenest: 6 tech items for the eco-minded

Posted by : Bharath Kommukuri (28-02-2014)

As you probably read in your iPad edition of The New York Times, the gadget and gizmo world is inundated with the latest technology aimed to help you keep plugged in while lowering your environmental footprint.
With so many green tech devices currently out there (that once-lonely solar/crank flashlight is now in good company) the big question is: where do I begin? Since MNN has a (mostly) healthy obsession with green technology and design, we’d like to lend a helping hand and recommend a few fresh tech items for the eco-minded. From energy-efficient bladeless fans to ivy-inspired solar panels to a quintessential solar charger, each of these eco-innovations is unique, inspired and totally game changing. Now without further ado, game on.

Latest Invention: Washing Machine That Doesn't Need Water

Posted by : Bharath kommukuri (27-02-2014)

British company Xeros looks forward to conquer the American market with its latest invention, a new washing system able to save a lot of water using nylon beads. The beads tumble wash clothes using 90 percent less water than traditional washers.
In addition, the company's latest invention, which is currently in the development stage, requires less detergent. Xeros claims that there would be no need for tumble drying and if the homes in the United States would switch to the new system, the emissions of carbon dioxide would be considerably reduced. The result would be as though 5 million vehicles have been removed from the road. The company also says that the new washing machine will save 1.2 billion tons of water each year, which equals 17 million swimming pools.
The washing machine does its job using small nylon beads that eliminate stains off clothes and lock them into the molecular structure of the nylon. The beads can be used for hundreds of washes and afterwards they can be easily recycled. The technology behind the new washing machine is the result of a research carried out at the University of Leeds. It has been used in a concept washing machine by the Cambridge Consultants.
After carrying out tests for over three years, Xeros, a spinout from the University, managed to achieve an agreement with Kansas City-based GreenEarth Cleaning , which intends to market Xeros' latest invention across North American continent in 2010. You can , read more about the product on the company's website .

Top 5 Strangest Inventions

Posted by :Bharath Kommukuri (27-02-2014)

Brilliant minds have always pushed the barriers of innovation. Today researchers are continuously developing devices that are meant to make our lives easier. Sometimes, however, it seems that inventors' imagination goes too far and they come up with really weird devices. Some of the strangest inventions are presented in this article.

Machine that Does Up the Tie for You

    The creator of this weird looking invention called Why Knot? is Seth Goldstein.
The author probably was lazy enough to do up his tie so he thought of making a robotic machine that would do the job for him or he was just curious what would happen if such robot existed.
However, there's only one big drawback in the invention - the machine tie and unties the necktie very slow. Those who enjoy making other knots than the "four in hand" one will also be disappointed.

Perpetual Motion Device that Produces Power from Gravity

This is probably the strangest contemporary invention ever. It was developed by a Somerset engineer, who claims that his machine breaks the law of physics by generating more free power than it consumes.
The inventor named his perpetual motion device Alpha Omega Galaxy Freefall Generator.
He also added that the machine was made using bicycle parts, a windscreen-washer motor and an array of flywheels with high-powered magnets. The latter are used to help the machine produce energy from gravity.


Device that Helps You Understand Dog's Language

The first version of this device appeared back in 2002. Now a new version of the Bowlingual comes into attention. The device is able to analyze a dog's bark and figure out its emotion.
The inventor of this gadget is the toy-making company called Takara Tomy. The device will only be available for the dog lovers living in Japan.
According to the company the Bowlingual is able to understand six of the dog's basic emotions. The first model included a microphone attached to a dog's neck and a special handheld unit that was used to read the data and transmitted it from the microphone to the display.
The latest version features a more compact unit that includes a speech synthesizer. The latter audibly informs the person about the things their dog tries to say. Just like the first model, this one shows all data on the screen of the handheld unit.

Device that Produces Rainbows

   Rainbows are beautiful and that's it. Children enjoy watching these creations of nature, but one man thought that it would be better if people could see rainbows more often. This is why he has come up with a machine that creates rainbows.
Artist Michael Jones McKean has been testing his device in parks where he shot small rainbows across the sky. Now he looks forward to developing a machine that would generate much larger rainbows with the help of reclaimed rainwater and sunlight.
His studio is located at the Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts in Omaha, Nebraska.

Robotic Fashion Model

Such a strange invention could only be created in the land of the rising sun. Researchers in Japan presented their cybernetic fashion model at a fashion show.
Dubbed HRP-4C, the robot includes 30 motors that allow it to walk and move her limbs. In addition, there are 8 motors that are used to express certain emotions, such as anger and surprise.
At its first demonstration the robot tottered out, blinked and saluted everyone in a tiny feminine voice. When HRP-4C said "Hello, everyone" it moved her mouth.
Of course this rather strange invention will not be able to replace a real fashion model, at least for not. This is because, despite being equipped with special sensors in its feet, it cannot boast sensitive balance like a real person.
If you stumbled upon a strange invention

Top 7 Most Dangerous Computer Viruses of the 20th Century

Posted by :Bharath kommukuri (27-02-2014)

The 20th century was a period when computer viruses saw light and managed to cause serious damages to unprepared users and their machines. Millions of users downloaded computer viruses without even knowing about it. To download a computer virus one simply needed to click on a certain link or open an email attachment.
Today the best way to keep your computer virus-free is to install an effective antivirus software like the Antivirus and Security All-in-One-Suite that will not only allow you to check for any malware but will also stop attacks on your machine. However, previously there were little or no such programs.
Hackers used various ways of penetrating the systems of universities from around the world, NASA, armed forces and governments. In this article you will find the most dangerous computer viruses of the 20th century. Note that the list includes computer viruses selected by the InfoNIAC team, which means that it represents our subjective opinion. If you have any additional information on the topic you are free to leave your comments at the bottom of the story. Here we go:
7. Jerusalem - 1987
For the first time it was discovered in 1987 on October 1. The virus was dubbed Jerusalem because it was identified in a Hebrew university, but in 1991 antivirus experts found that Italy is the country were the first traces of the computer virus were noticed. Jerusalem is believed to be one of the oldest computer viruses in history, being able to infect both .EXE and .COM files. Initially the Jerusalem virus included a bug that led to a repeat infection of the files that continued until the size of the files overcome computer resources. In addition, each Friday 13 it deleted all programs in the infected system as a result of a malicious payload that set off on the respective day. Jerusalem considerably slowed down the machine. A person could identify the virus but noticing two lines on the monitor.
6. Morris (a.k.a. Internet Worm) - 1988
Previously at we wrote about this computer worm, which is believed to be one of the first worms that spread over the Internet. The name of the virus comes from its developer Robert Tappan Morris, who was a student at Cornell University. The computer worm was set off on November 2, 1988 and after some time it managed to infect 6,000 to 9,000 machines. It overloaded the whole Internet, leading to the failure of a large number of servers. According to its developer, the goal was to discover just how far and fast a computer worm can spread all over the network. Robert Tappan Morris was found guilty and sentenced to 3 years of probation along with 400 hours of community service. In addition, he had to pay a $10,000 fine.
5. Barrotes - 1993
This is believed to be the first popular computer virus developed in Spain. As soon as it infected the system, it would remain there until January the 5th, when it would set off showing a series of bars on the screen. It infected .COM, .EXE and overlay files. The Barrotes computer virus represents a resident virus - it becomes a resident of the computer memory each time the machine starts up. Due to a series of vertical lines that appear on the monitor, it was easy to identify the virus. It could also overwrite the Master Boot Record of the HDD, thus making it impossible for the uses to access the hard disk.
4. Solar Sunrise - 1998
This is not the name of the computer virus, it is the name of the situation that occurred in 1998 when a team of hackers managed to take control of more than 500 computer system of the army, government as well as private sector of the United States. The name Solar Sunrise comes after the well-known vulnerabilities in machines that run on the Sun Solaris OS. At first the attack was believed to have been organized by hackers from Iraq, but later it was discovered that the ones to blame were two American youngsters from California.
3. CIH (a.k.a. Chernobyl) - 1998
Our list of the most dangerous computer viruses on the 20th century continues with CIH virus that caused an estimated damage of $20 to $80 million around the globe. After its launch, the computer virus managed to affect huge amounts of data stored on computers. Later it was discovered that the computer virus was launched in Taiwan. It has been recognized to be one of the most dangerous computer viruses in history. It infected Windows 95, 98, and ME executable files. In addition, CIH remained resident in the memory of the machine, being able to carry on infecting other executables. After being activated, the virus overwrote data on the HDD of the infected PC, making the latter inoperable. CIH could also overwrite the BIOS of the infected computer, thus preventing boot-up. The second name of the virus - Chernobyl - was given because some of the biggest damages occurred on the day when the nuclear reactor exploded.
2. Melissa - 1999
This computer virus managed to cause a damaged estimated between $300 and $600 million. The famous computer virus gained huge fame on March 26, 1999. Experts claimed that this computer virus managed to infect between 15 and 20 percent of all business PCs on the planet. Melissa virus spread so fast that a number of big companies, including Intel and Microsoft, that used Outlook, had to shut down their email systems to hold up the damage. The computer virus took advantage of Microsoft outlook to send email messages of itself to 50 names on the contact list of a user. The message in the email read: "Here is that document you asked for don’t show anyone else." It featured an attached Word document, which, when opened, unleashed the virus that infected the computer and then repeated the replication. When the virus was activated it changed Word documents by leaving quotes from the popular animated show "The Simpsons".
1. ILOVEYOU - 2000
Considered to be one of the most dangerous computer worms in history, ILOVEYOU was for the first time detected in Philippines on May 4. In just one day it spread worldwide, with about 10 percent of all Internet users being affected by the worm. ILOVEYOU also caused $5.5 billion damage. Its name comes from the subject of the email that a user received. The email included an attachment that said "LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs". When activated, the computer worm overwrote all files on the host, attacking a copy of itself to each file. In addition, the worm sent a copy of itself to everyone in a user's contact list.

Latest invention: Flat Flexible Speakers that Produce a Clear Sound

Posted by: Bharath Kommukuri (27-02-2014)

A loudspeakers, which is less than 0.25mm thick, is the latest invention in technology presented by engineers from University of Warwick. The device is flexible and can be easily hung up a wall in an apartment or, due to its specific technique of producing sound, it can be used as a way of making clear public announcements in different places, such as, for example passenger terminals.
Besides being extremely lightweight, this latest technological invention does not require huge investments. Slim and flexible, such speakers can be installed in ceiling tiles or inside vehicles.
Warwick Audio Technologies, is a spin-out company that says its device generates planar directional sound waves in public places. These waves project further than sound produced by usual speakers. Engineers dubbed their latest invention Flat, Flexible Loudspeaker (FFL).
According to the company's CEO, Steve Couchman, the revolutionary speaker could completely replace the conventional speakers that are nowadays used in homes, cars and public places such as passenger terminals and shopping centers.
"Audio visual companies are investigating its use as point of sale posters for smart audio messaging and car manufacturers are particularly interested in it for its light weight and thinness," he said.
The flexible speaker works by transforming an electric signal into sound. In conventional speakers the signal is used to produce a varying magnetic field that vibrates a mechanical cone, thus making the sound. However, the technology behind the flexible speaker connects thin, conducting and insulating, materials that create a flexible laminate. When an electrical signal excites the laminate, it vibrates, so generating sound.
Commenting on the use of the company's latest invention, Mr. Couchman said: "The sound produced by FFLs can be directed straight at its intended audience."He mentioned that the sound is not distorted like in the case of conventional speakers, making the announcement in public places more comprehensible, reported
Dr Duncan Billson and Professor David Hutchins created the Flat, Flexible Loudspeaker. Both graduated the University of Warwick. In their early tests they used two sheets of tinfoil along with an insulating layer of baking paper to generate sound. Now the device features a new design and was developed using improved technologies, making it a perfect commercial product.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook's plan is to 'connect the world'

Posted by : bharath Kommukuri

Speaking at the ongoing Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona, Spain, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg said that the mission of the social networking giant was to 'connect the world.'
Zuckerberg plans to bring Internet access, and the company's social network, to the developing world.
According to the BBC, Facebook is a member of, a project launched last year that aims to put billions more people online.
In his first ever appearance at the MWC, Zuckerberg said that once Facebook reached a billion users in 2012, it had began to look at ways to engage more users around the world.
Zuckerberg unveiled a set of projects in which Facebook, alongside partners, would work on delivering Internet access to emerging markets.
The report said that Facebook has already teamed up with Ericsson, MediaTek, Nokia, Opera, Qualcomm and Samsung, among others, in an effort to lower the cost of mobile data worldwide.
A pilot project, SocialEDU, was also announced at the event that would focus on bringing free online education to students in Rwanda, in which Airtel would provide free data to students using the app, while Nokia would supply cut-price handsets.
Meanwhile, an analyst at technology consultants Ovum, said that investing in emerging markets would 'boost advertising revenue' for Facebook, adding that Facebook's aim to 'make it easier for the world to share information', means with more sharing, the more ads Facebook can sell. 

WhatsApp founder Jan Koum apologises for 'longest, biggest outage in years'

Posted by: Bharath Kommukuri (25-02-2014)

WhatsApp founder Jan Koum has reportedly apologised for the recent four-hours-long outage experienced by all its users.
Days after the high-profile acquisition of the 450 million user strong service by Facebook for an eye popping 19 billion dollars, WhatsApp was marred by a long outage.
Koum acknowledged that it was their longest and biggest outage in years and affected all their users, The Verge reports.
According to the report, the outage was due to a faulty network router, which caused a cascading failure and ended up affecting WhatsApp servers.
Although, Koum didn't elaborate on the source of the router problems, it is speculated that the downtime might not have been related to the new wave of publicity from the Facebook acquisition and the accompanying load on Whatsapp infrastructure.
Kuom further assured that the company was taking new measures with its service provider to protect against future downtime and to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Facebook Messenger set to arrive on Windows Phone

Posted by : Bharath Kommukuri (25-02-2014)

Facebook has reportedly announced that it would be soon launching its Messenger chat app on Windows Phone.
Facebook messaging is already active on Microsoft's OS for mobiles, however, the latest chat app would offer more features including 'stickers.'
According to The Verge, Facebook Messenger has been available on Android and iOS for several years, but it would now be 'soon' extended to the Windows Phone platform.
The social networking giant recently acquired popular messaging service WhatsApp, which boasts of 450 million monthly users, for an eye popping 19 billion dollars, in a bid to expand its user base. 

Monday 24 February 2014

Google to offer $2.7 million prize at hacking contest

Sunday 23 February 2014

Password Protect Any Folder Without Any Software

In my previous post i have teach you to hide files behind images. In this tutorial i will show you interesting and useful trick to password protect folder without using any software using batch file programming. This trick will work on all windows platform (Win XP, Win 7). Follow below tutorial to learn this trick.

How To Lock Folder ?

   1. Open Notepad and Copy code given below into it.
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST MyFolder goto MDMyFolder
echo Are you sure to lock this folder? (Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren MyFolder "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock Your Secure Folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== coolhacks goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" MyFolder
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md MyFolder
echo MyFolder created successfully
goto End
   2. Save the notepad file as lock.bat (.bat is must)
   3. Now double click on lock.bat and a new folder will be created with name MyFolder
   4. Copy all your data you want to protect in that New folder
   5. Now double click on lock.bat and when command promp appears Type Y and press enter.
   6. Now MyFolder will be hidden from you view, to access that folde double click on lock.bat
   7. It will ask for password enter your password and done. (Default password is hacks)
  • To change the password replace hacks with  new password in the above code

How To Further Secure ?

You might be thinking that anyone can access the password by opening that lock.bat file in Notepad or any other text editor. To make it more secure hide lock.bat in some secure location after following the above tutorial To access the secured file double click on lock.bat. I would suggest copying lock.bat file into Pendrive and copying it into your computer whenever you required to access to your protected files.