Friday 18 December 2015

Motor protection depending on size and voltage level

Motor protections vary widely depending on the size of the motor and voltage level involved, thus only the more common ones are discussed in this technical article.

Protection Index

  1. Motor Instantaneous Over-current Protection
  2. Motor Timed Over-Current Protection
  3. Thermal OverLoad
  4. Motor Ground Fault Protection
  5. Motor Stall Protection
  6. Motor Over-Fluxing Protection

1. Motor Instantaneous Over-current Protection

Instantaneous over-current is usually the result of fault conditions (phase to phase, phase to ground), in which current flow will greatly exceed normal values. Damage due to winding overheating and burning damage associated with large fault currents can occur without this type of protection.
These types of faults can be rapidly detected by a differential protection scheme using Core Balance CTs as will be discussed later and cleared before major damage results. In these situations, fast acting electromagnetic relays will be used to trip the affected motor.

2. Motor Timed Over-Current Protection

Continuous operation of an electric motor at currents marginally above its rated value can result inthermal damage to the motor.
The insulation can be degraded, resulting in reduced motor life through eventual internal motor faults. Typically, an electric motor has a service factor rating listed on its nameplate. This number represents the continuous allowable load limit that can be maintained without sustaining damage to the motor. For example, a typical electric motor is designed to withstand a continuous overload of about 15% without sustaining damage and has a service factor = 115%.
Continuous operation at or above this value will result in thermal damage. To protect against motor damage, we mustensure that this condition is not reached, hence we must trip the motor before the overload limit (service factor) is reached.
The relay most commonly used for this purpose is the induction disc relay. In this relay (Figure 1), the current in two coils produces opposing magnetic fluxes, which create a torque on a disc. As the motor current increases, so does the torque on the disc.
When the torque overcomes the spring torque, the disc begins to rotate. When the moving contact meets the stationary contact on the disc, the trip will operate.
Induction Disc Relay
Figure 1 – Induction Disc Relay

Tap settings and time characteristic adjustments can be made to alter the time delay of the relay. The major benefit of the induction disk timed over current relay is that the speed of rotation is proportional to the motor current.
Hence major over-current conditions will trip the supply breaker almost instantaneously, while currents just above rated load will cause operation after several seconds (or minutes).

3. Thermal OverLoad

Another common type of relay used for timed overload protection is a thermal overload relay. In this type of relay, the motor current or a fraction of the current through a currenttransformer is connected to an in-line heater. Figure 2 shows a simplified thermal overload relay. The heater (heated by I2R action) is used to heat a bimetallic strip, which causes the displacement of a relay contact. A bimetallic strip consists of two different materials bonded together, each having different thermal expansion properties.
As the materials are heated, one side will lengthen more than the other, causing bending.
Normal operating currents or short duration overload conditions, will not cause the bimetallic element tobend enough to change the relay contact positions.
Excessive currents will cause increased heating of the bimetallic strip, which will cause relay contacts to open and/or close, tripping the motor.
Thermal Overload Relay
Figure 2 – Thermal Overload Relay

The thermal overload relay has an inherent reaction time, since the heater and bimetallic element take time to heat. Care must be taken to match the current heating characteristics of the motor or else the motor could be damaged during the locked rotor starting conditions.
This type of relay can be used for direct protection against excessive motor current caused by electrical faults and motor overloads. Also, it is often used in combination with the timed over-current protection.
Thermal overload relays using in-line heaters and bimetallic strips, provide an alarm in the case of continuous overload. This provides an opportunity for the operator to correct the problem before it reaches trip level magnitude.
As we have stated, thermal over-load trips can occur during repetitive starts on a motor or during motor over-loading. Thermal overload trips will seal-in to prevent the motor contactor from closing. This lock-out will require manual reset before the motor can be re-started. The operator or attendant will have to physically confirm that the motor has had sufficient time to cool down and that the cause for the overload has been removed. If the operator is confident that there is not a permanent fault on the motor the relay can be reset.
Note however, that if an instantaneous over-current trip has occurred, no attempt at closing the motor contactor should be made. An instantaneous trip will only occur if there is a fault in the motor or supply cable and this must be corrected before any attempt to reset the relay.

4. Motor Ground Fault Protection

In the detection of ground faults, as with the detection of instantaneous over-currents, it is extremely important that the fault be detected and cleared quickly to prevent equipment damage. Insulation damaged by heat (from extended overload operation), brittleness of insulation (due to aging), wet insulation or mechanically damaged insulation can cause ground faults.
Ground fault protection schemes use differential protection to detect and clear the faulted equipment. For motors, the common method is to use a Core-Balance CT as illustrated in Figure 3. The output of the core-balance CT will be the difference or imbalance of current between the three phases.
If no ground fault is present, no current imbalance is present; hence no current will flow in the protection circuit.
Three Phase Ground Fault Protection
Figure 3 – Three Phase Ground Fault Protection

If a ground fault develops, a current imbalance will be present and a current will flow in the protection circuit, causing it to operate to trip the supply breaker.
Figure 4 shows a similar protection scheme, with each of the windings of the motor protected individually (this scheme is not normally installed in small motors, but may appear in the protection of very large motors).
Single Phase Ground Fault Protection
Figure 4 – Single Phase Ground Fault Protection

5. Motor Stall Protection

Stalling or locking the rotor, is a situation in which the circuits of a motor are energized but therotor is not turning. Motors are particularly susceptible to overheating during starts, due to high currents combined with low cooling air flows (due to the low speed of the motor, cooling fans are delivering only small amounts of air).
This is also why some larger motors have a limit on the number of attempted motor starts before a cooling off period is required. However, stall conditions can occur during normal operation. For example, mechanical faults such as a seized bearing, heavy loading or some type of foreign object caught in a pump could be possible causes of motor stalling.
The loss of a single phase while the motor is not rotating or under high load, is another situation in which a motor may stall.
The typical starting time of a motor is less than ten seconds. As long as this start time is not exceeded, no damage to a motor will occur due to overheating from the high currents.During operation, a motor could typically stall for twenty secondsor more without resulting in excessive insulation deterioration.
We use a stalling relay to protect motors during starts, since a standard thermal relay has too much time delay. A stalling relay will allow the motor to draw normal starting currents (which are several times normal load current) for a short time, but will trip the motor for excessive time at high currents.
A stalling relay uses the operating principle of a thermal overload relay, but operates faster than a standard thermal relay.
Stalling Relay
Figure 5 – Stalling Relay

A schematic representation of a stalling relay has be been provided in Figure 5 for reference.
By passing a portion of the motor current directly through the bimetallic elements in this relay, the heating is immediate, just as would be experienced within the windings of the motor.
This type of relay is usually operational only when the motor current is above 3 times the normal operating current and is switched out when the current is below 2 times the normal operating current. This switching in/out is achieved by the use of an additional relay contact.
When the motor is operating normally, the current in this protection scheme passes through the resistor and bypasses the bimetallic elements.

6. Motor Over-Fluxing Protection

As you can recall from the module on motor theory, the current drawn by a motor is roughly proportional to the core flux required to produce rotation. Moreover, the flux in the core is roughly proportional to the square of the slip speed.
I α f α s2
Obviously over-fluxing is most severe during the locked rotor or stall condition when the slip is at the maximum. The stall relay previously discussed protects against this.
However, there is another condition where we can enter into a state of over-fluxing the motor. If one of the three phases of the supply has high resistance or is open circuit (due to a blown fuse, loose connection, etc.), then the magnetic flux becomes unbalanced and the rotor will begin to slip further away from the stator field speed.
The rotor (shaft) speed will decrease while the supply current will increase causing winding over-heating as well as core iron heating. Also intense vibration due to unbalanced magnetic forces can cause damage to the motor windings and bearings.
This open-phase condition is oddly enough called single phasing of the motor, even though two phases are still connected. If the motor continues to operate with an open supply line, the current in the remaining two healthy leads will exceed twice the current normally seen for a given load. This will result in rapid, uneven heating within the motor and damage to insulation, windings, reduced machine life and thermal distortion.
If torque required by the load exceeds the amount of torque produced, the motor will stall. The motor will draw locked rotor current ratings, which are, on average, 3-6 times full load current. This will lead to excessive heating of the windings and will cause the insulation to be damaged. If the open circuit is present before the motor start is attempted, it is unlikely that the motor will be able to start rotating.
The phase-unbalance relay used to protect against this scenario is similar in design to the stall relay, but is set for about 20% of the full load current. A rough representation of the operation of the relay is included in Figures 6 and 7 for reference only.
If any one of the phases in the motor loses power, the heater will cool down. The bimetallic strip will turn, causing the unbalance contacts to close and the motor to be tripped. This relay will also protect against thermal overload, as the heaters cause the bimetallic strips to close the overload trip contact.
You will also see a compensating bimetal element, which will compensate for ambient temperature changes, thus preventing unnecessary trips.
Phase Unbalance and Overload Protection
Figure 6 – Phase Unbalance and Overload Protection

Phase Unbalance and Overload Protection
Figure 7 – Phase Unbalance and Overload Protection

Thursday 17 December 2015

9 Recommended Practices for Grounding

Basis for safety and power quality

Grounding and bonding are the basis upon which safety and power quality are built. The grounding system provides a low-impedance path for fault current and limits the voltage rise on the normally non-current-carrying metallic components of the electrical distribution system.
During fault conditions, low impedance results in high fault current flow, causing overcurrent protective devices to operate, clearing the fault quickly and safely. The grounding system also allows transients such as lightning to be safely diverted to earth.
Bonding is the intentional joining of normally non-current-carrying metallic components to form an electrically conductive path. This helps ensure that these metallic components are at the same potential, limiting potentially dangerous voltage differences.
Careful consideration should be given to installing a grounding system that exceeds the minimum NEC requirements for improved safety and power quality.

Recommended practices for grounding //

  1. Equipment Grounding Conductors
  2. Isolated Grounding System
  3. Branch–Circuit Grounding
  4. Ground Resistance
  5. Ground Rods
  6. Ground Ring
  7. Grounding Electrode System
  8. Lightning Protection System
  9. Surge Protection Devices (SPD) (formerly called TVSS)

1. Equipment Grounding Conductors

The IEEE Emerald Book recommends the use of equipment-grounding conductors in all circuits, not relying on a raceway system alone for equipment grounding. Use equipment grounding conductors sized equal to the phase conductors to decrease circuit impedance and improve the clearing time of overcurrent protective devices.

Equipment grounding conductor
Equipment grounding conductor

Bond all metal enclosures, raceways, boxes, and equipment grounding conductors into one electrically continuous system. Consider the installation of an equipment grounding conductor of the wire type as a supplement to a conduit-only equipment grounding conductor for especially sensitive equipment.
The minimum size the equipment grounding conductor for safety is provided in NEC 250.122, but a full-size grounding conductor is recommended for power quality considerations.

2. Isolated Grounding System

As permitted by NEC 250.146(D) and NEC 408.40 Exception, consider installing an isolated grounding system to provide a clean signal reference for the proper operation of sensitive electronic equipment.

Isolated grounding system for branch circuits
Isolated grounding system for branch circuits (photo credit:

Isolated grounding is a technique that attempts to reduce the chances of “noise” entering the sensitive equipment through the equipment grounding conductor. The grounding pin is not electrically connected to the device yoke, and, so, not connected to the metallic outlet box. It is therefore “isolated” from the green wire ground.
A separate conductor, green with a yellow stripe, is run to the panelboard with the rest of the circuit conductors, but it is usually not connected to the metallic enclosure. Instead it is insulated from the enclosure, and run all the way through to the ground bus of the service equipment or the ground connection of a separately derived system. Isolated grounding systems sometimes eliminate ground loop circulating currents.
Note that the NEC prefers the term isolated ground, while the IEEE prefers the term insulated ground.

3. Branch-Circuit Grounding

Replace branch circuits that do not contain an equipment ground with branch circuits with an equipment ground. Sensitive electronic equipment, such as computers and computer-controlled equipment, require the reference to ground provided by an equipment grounding conductor for proper operation and for protection from static electricity and power surges.
Failure to utilize an equipment grounding conductor may cause current flow through low-voltage control or communication circuits, which are susceptible to malfunction and damage, or the earth.
Surge Protection Devices (SPDs) must have connection to an equipment grounding conductor.

4. Ground Resistance

Measure the resistance of the grounding electrode system to ground.
Take reasonable measures to ensure that the resistance to ground is 25 ohms or less for typical loads. In many industrial cases, particularly where electronic loads are present, there are requirements which need values as low as 5 ohms or less many times as low as 1 ohm.

Measuring earth resistance with fall of potential method
Measuring earth resistance with fall of potential method (photo credit:

For these special cases, establish a maintenance program for sensitive electronic loads to measure ground resistance semi-annually, initially, using a ground resistance meter. Ground resistance should be measured at least annually thereafter.
When conducting these measurements, appropriate safety precautions should be takento reduce the risk of electrical shock.
Record the results for future reference. Investigate significant changes in ground resistance measurements compared with historical data, and correct deficiencies with the grounding system. Consult an electrical design professional for recommendations to reduce ground resistance where required.

5. Ground Rods

The NEC permits ground rods to be spaced as little as 6 feet apart, but spheres-of-influence of the rods verlar.
Recommended practice is to space multiple ground rods a minimum of twice the length of the rod apart. Install deep-driven or chemically-enhanced ground rods in mountainous or rocky terrain, and where soil conditions are poor. Detailed design of grounding systems are beyond the scope of this document.

Earthing electrode
Earthing electrode

6. Ground Ring

In some cases, it may be advisable to install a copper ground ring, supplemented by drivenground rods, for new commercial and industrial construction in addition to metal water piping, structural building steel, and concrete-encased electrodes, as required by Code.
Grounding rings provide a convenient place to bond multiple electrodes of a grounding system, such as multiple Ufer grounds, lightning down-conductors, multiple vertical electrodes, etc.
Install ground rings completely around buildings and structures and below the frost line in a trench offset a few feet from the footprint of the building or structure. Where low, ground impedance is essential, supplement the ground ring with driven ground rods in a triplex configuration at each corner of the building or structure, and at the mid-point of each side.

The emergency generator connected to the ring-ground, and additionally grounded to reinforcing rods in its concrete pad
The emergency generator connected to the ring-ground, and additionally grounded to reinforcing rods in its concrete pad (photo credit:

The NEC-minimum conductor size for a ground ring is 2 AWG, but sizes as large as 500 kcmilare more frequently used. The larger the conductor and the longer the conductor, the more surface area is in contact with the earth, and the lower the resistance to earth.

7. Grounding Electrode System

Grounding electrode system bus
Grounding electrode system bus (photo credit:

Bond all grounding electrodes that are present, including metal underground water piping, structural building steel, concrete-encased electrodes, pipe and rod electrodes, plate electrodes, and the ground ring and all underground metal piping systems that cross the ground ring, to the grounding electrode system.
Bond the grounding electrodes of separate buildings in a campus environment together to create one grounding electrode system.
Bond all electrical systems, such as power, cable television, satellite television, and telephone systems, to the grounding electrode system. Bond outdoor metallic structures, such as antennas, radio towers, etc. to the grounding electrode system. Bond lightning protection down-conductors to the grounding electrode system.

8. Lightning Protection System

Copper lightning protection systems may be superior to other metals in both corrosion and maintenance factors. NFPA 780 (Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems) should be considered as a minimum design standard.

Building lightning protection system
Building lightning protection system (photo credit: Schneider Electric)

A lightning protection system should only be connected to a high quality, low impedance, and robust grounding electrode system.

9. Surge Protection Devices (SPD) (formerly called TVSS)

The use of surge protection devices is highly recommended. Consult IEEE Standard 1100 (The Emerald Book) for design considerations. A surge protection system should only be connected to a high quality, low impedance, and robust grounding electrode system.

Surge protection device - Single line diagram
Surge protection device – Single line diagram (credit: Schneider Electric)

Generally, a surge protection device should not be installed downstream from an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). Consult manufacturers’ guidelines.

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Few Things That Capacitors Do Perfectly

3 Things That Capacitors Do Perfectly

Capacitors provide tremendous benefits to distribution system performance. Most noticeably, capacitors reduce losses, free up capacity, and reduce voltage drop. Let’s go a little bit into details.

Losses and Capacity 

By canceling the reactive power to motors and other loads with low power factor, capacitors decrease the line current. Reduced current frees up capacity; the same circuit can serve more load. Reduced current also significantly lowers the I2R line losses.

Voltage drop 

Capacitors provide a voltage boost, which cancels part of the drop caused by system loads. Switched capacitors can regulate voltage on a circuit.
If applied properly and controlled, capacitors can significantly improve the performance of distribution circuits. But if not properly applied or controlled, the reactive power from capacitor banks can create losses and high voltages.
The greatest danger of overvoltages occurs under light load. Good planning helps ensure that capacitors are sited properly.
More sophisticated controllers (like two-way radios with monitoring) reduce the risk of improperly controlling capacitors, compared to simple controllers (like a time clock).
Capacitors work their magic by storing energy. Capacitors are simple devices: two metal plates sandwiched around an insulating dielectric. When charged to a given voltage, opposing charges fill the plates on either side of the dielectric. The strong attraction of the charges across the very short distance separating them makes a tank of energy.
Capacitors oppose changes in voltage. It takes time to fill up the plates with charge, and once charged, it takes time to discharge the voltage.
Circa 1963 vintage pole with a capacitor bank along with black porcelain insulators
Circa 1963 vintage pole with a capacitor bank along with black porcelain insulators (photo credit: Astro Powerlines via Flickr)

On AC power systems, capacitors do not store their energy very long – just one-half cycle. Each half cycle, a capacitor charges up and then discharges its stored energy back into the system. The net real power transfer is zero.
Capacitors provide power just when reactive loads need it. Just when a motor with low power factor needs power from the system, the capacitor is there to provide it. Then in the next half cycle, the motor releases its excess energy, and the capacitor is there to absorb it.
Capacitors and reactive loads exchange this reactive power back and forth.
This benefits the system because that reactive power (and extra current) does not have to be transmitted from the generators all the way through many transformers and many miles of lines; the capacitors can provide the reactive power locally. This frees up the lines to carry real power,power that actually does work.

Elimination of penalties //

A high power factor eliminates penalty dollars imposed when operating with a low power factor. For many years, most utilities demanded a minimum of 85% power factor as an average for each monthly billing.
Now many of these same utilities are demanding 95%…or else pay a penalty!
The actual wording or formula in the utility rate contract might spell out the required power factor, or it might refer to KVA billing, or it might refer to KW demand billing with power factor adjustment multipliers. Have your utility representative explain the particular rate contract used in your monthly bill. This will insure you are taking the proper steps to obtain maximum money savings by maintaining a proper power factor.

Primary and Secondary Power Capacitors

Capacitors for power factor correction are usually connected in shunt across the power lines. They can be energized continuously or switched on and off depending on load changes.
Two kinds of capacitors perform power factor correction: secondary (low voltage) and primary (high voltage). These capacitors are rated in kilovars.

Secondary (low voltage) capacitors

Low-voltage capacitors with metallized polypropylene dielectrics are available with voltage ratingsfrom 240 to 600 V over the range of 2.5 to 100 kvar, three-phase. These capacitors are usually connected close to the lagging reactive loads on secondary lines. Low-voltage capacitors can either reduce the kVA requirements on nearby lines and transformers or allow a larger kilowatt load without requiring higher-rated lines or transformers.
Low-voltage capacitors
Low-voltage capacitors (on photo: 150kVAr capacitor bank; credit:

Primary (high voltage) capacitors

High-voltage capacitors for primary high-voltage lines have all-film dielectrics and are available with 2.4- to 25-kV ratings over the range of 50 to 400 kvar. By connecting these capacitors in series and parallel arrangements, higher kvar ratings can be achieved. Because modern high-voltage capacitors consume lower watts per kvar than low-voltage capacitors, they can be operated more efficiently.
High-voltage capacitors for primary high-voltage lines
High-voltage capacitors for primary high-voltage lines (on photo: 115-kV Cap Bank; credit:
High-voltage capacitors for overhead distribution systems can be mounted on poles in banks of 300 to 3600 kvar at nearly any primary voltage up to 34.5 kV, phase-to-phase. Pad-mounted capacitors for raising the power factor in underground distribution systems are available in the same range of sizes and voltage ratings.
High-voltage capacitors for overhead distribution systems
High-voltage capacitors for overhead distribution systems
The increasing use of motor-driven appliances and building service equipment has increased overall power loads as well as the inductive kvar on most power systems.
It is desirable to cancel them because:
  • Substation and transformer load capacity can be taxed to full thermal limits.
  • High inductive kilovar demands can cause excessive voltage drops.
  • Local utilities charge power factor penalties.
The size of the power factor correction (number of kvar) that must be injected into the electric power system determines the method to be used. If the load is less than 500 kvar, capacitors can provide the capacitive reactance to cancel the inductive reactance, but if the load exceeds 500 kvar, a synchronous condenser is commonly installed.
Also, if there are large, rapid, and random swings in kvar demand during the day, a synchronous condenser is preferred. However, if the changes in kvar demand are small and can be corrected with capacitors, incremental capacitor banks provide a more practical solution.